About Us
Automart150 was established in January 1997 to fill a void that existed in the automotive marketplace: providing quality pre-owned vehicles that the average working person could afford and enjoy. We have enjoyed much success and have been on the Better Business Bureau honor roll for 17 consecutive years and counting... an accomplishment we are very proud of. In early 2007, the banking and auto lending climate in the U.S. began to change in advance of the economic crisis that was approaching. We at Automart150 once again needed to adapt to this new climate in order to continue to achieve our goal of being the dealer of the working person.
GEM Financial was established as the lending arm of our operation with the sole purpose of providing auto loans to folks that have experienced credit problems, bankruptcy, divorce, medical bills, and the like. GEM Financial has acquired millions of dollars to lend to those looking to establish or re-establish their credit and reports client's pay histories to all major credit bureaus to help accomplish this. If other dealers have told you "no", Automart150 and GEM Financial are ready to say "yes" and our 4 piece documentation system will allow you to see your loan acceptance results right away.